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- Introduction to React
- Overview of React.js and its features
- Understanding the Virtual DOM
- React components and component-based architecture
- Setting Up a React Development Environment
- Installing Node.js and npm/yarn
- Creating a new React project using Create React App or similar tools
- Configuring ESLint, Prettier, and other development tools
- JSX (JavaScript XML)
- Syntax and usage of JSX in React components
- Embedding JavaScript expressions in JSX
- JSX vs. HTML templating
- Components and Props
- Creating functional and class components
- Passing props to components
- Prop types and default props
- State and Lifecycle
- Managing component state
- Lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.)
- Using hooks (useState, useEffect) for state management
- Handling Events
- Event handling in React
- Common event types (onClick, onChange, onSubmit, etc.)
- Event delegation and synthetic events
- Lists and Keys
- Rendering lists of data in React
- Using keys for efficient list rendering and updates
- Iterating over arrays and rendering components dynamically
- Forms in React
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled components
- Handling form inputs and validation
- Form submission and data handling
- React Router
- Client-side routing with React Router
- Configuring routes and route parameters
- Nested routes and route guards
- Styling in React
- CSS modules and scoped styles
- Using third-party CSS frameworks with React
- Styled-components and other CSS-in-JS solutions
- State Management with Context API and Redux
- Global state management with Context API
- Introduction to Redux for complex state management
- Redux middleware and async actions
- React Hooks
- useState, useEffect, useContext, and other built-in hooks
- Custom hooks and their use cases
- Rules of hooks and best practices
- Working with APIs
- Fetching data from REST APIs using fetch or axios
- Handling asynchronous data fetching with useEffect
- Error handling and loading states
- Testing React Applications
- Writing unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library
- Testing components, hooks, and asynchronous code
- Mocking dependencies and API calls
- Deployment and Optimization
- Building a production-ready React app
- Deployment strategies (deploying to GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, etc.)
- Performance optimization techniques (code splitting, lazy loading, etc.)
- Advanced Topics
- Server-side rendering with Next.js
- React animations and transitions
- React patterns and best practices
- Real-World Projects
- Building real-world applications to apply learned concepts
- Collaboration and teamwork in project development
- Project management methodologies (Agile, Scrum, etc.)